Editorial ethics

Basic principles

Ethical standards of the editorial Board. The editorial team of the journal is guided by the principles of scientific integrity, objectivity, professionalism and impartiality.

Responsibility for ethical conduct. Researchers, authors, editors, reviewers and publishers all have ethical obligations with regard to the publication and dissemination of results of scientific research.

Norms of communication with the authors. Interaction with the authors is based on the principles of fairness, courtesy, objectivity, honesty and transparency.

The presence of the Institute of reviewing. All the content of the journal, except advertising and editorial materials, clearly marked as such, is subject to mandatory peer review by independent experts by the method of “double-blind” reviewing.

Access to publications. The journal guarantees access to publications, ensuring the storage of materials in the leading libraries and repositories of scientific information in the country.

Information about paid services. All information about paid services, if any, is registered and available on the website of the journal, approved by the editor-in-chief.

Terms of decision-making by the editors. Editorial decisions are made within a limited time frame and set out in a clear and constructive form on the website of the publication in the instructions to the authors.

Interaction with scientific and professional associations. The editorial staff strives to cooperate with professional scientific associations and industry communities in order to ensure high quality of editorial ethics.

Prevention and correction of ethics violations. The editors strive to prevent situations when authors, reviewers or other entities involved in the production of scientific texts carry out unethical behavior, as well as ensure the removal of unfair publications from the scientific space, cooperates with scientific associations on ethics.

Conflict of interest. The editor encourages the authors to disclose relations with industrial and financial organizations that can lead to a conflict of interest. All sources of funding should be specified by the authors in the body of the article.

The editors recognize unethical behavior in the field of scientific publications as follows:

The requirement for authors to provide their own reviews of their own articles, as well as contractual and pseudo-censorship.

Offer of Agency services. Provision of such services to authors as” turnkey publication”, correspondence with the editors on behalf of the author, revision of articles by the agent on the recommendations of the reviewer, preparation of paid reviews.

Sale of co-authorship, gift co-authorship, change the composition of the authors. The indication among the authors of persons who have not made an intellectual contribution to the study, is a violation of copyright and ethical standards, as not only misleading readers, but also regarded as fraud.

Publication of materials of absentee “scientific” conferences. Since the practice of such conferences is directly related to fraud and fraud in the field of science, the publication of the materials of these conferences is regarded as unethical, contributing to the dissemination of pseudoscientific texts.
Transfer of papers to other journals without the consent of the authors. Publication of the article in the journal, which was not agreed with the author, is a violation of the author’s interests.

Transfer of authors ‘ materials to third parties. Transfer of the articles sent to the editorial office to third parties, except reviewers and editorial staff, is a violation of copyright and confidentiality of editorial processes.

Manipulation of the citation. Artificial increase of scientometric indices, excessive self-citation and friendly citation, irrelevant links mislead readers and are interpreted as fraud.

Plagiarism, falsification and fabrication. The editors work in good faith with the text of articles, preventing on the pages of their publications the appearance of unscrupulous scientific publications containing plagiarism, falsification and fabrication of data.