License agreement

1. The author transfers to the journal “Russian military psychological journal” (hereinafter – the Journal) the exclusive right to the scientific article submitted for publication (hereinafter – the “Work”).

2. Under this Agreement, the Author grants to the Journal the exclusive right to the Work in full for its use in any way and in any form, including the rights listed in articles 1229, 1270 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.

The inalienable rights of the Author, as well as the rights not expressly granted to the Journal under this Agreement, shall remain with the Author.

3. The author transfers the exclusive right to the Journal free of charge.

4. The author guarantees that:

  • he is the sole owner. If the Author speaks on behalf of a group of co-authors, he / she ensures that all co-authors have authorized him / her to act on their behalf;
  • at the time of entry into force of this Agreement, the Author is not aware of the rights of third parties that may have been violated by the alienation of the exclusive right to the product under this Agreement;
  • at the time of conclusion of this Agreement, the exclusive right to the work is not alienated, pledged, transferred under license agreements to other persons;
  • at the time of conclusion of this Agreement, the Author’s rights are not challenged in court or in any other legal way.
  • In case claims or claims concerning violation of the rights of the third parties in connection with the transferred rights are brought to the Magazine, the Author undertakes to settle such claims or to provide judicial protection by the methods provided by Art. of Art. 1250, 1252 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The expenses and losses incurred by the Journal as a result of the settlement of these claims or the completion of legal proceedings will be compensated by the Author in full, if the author’s guilt in violation of the rights of third parties and/or the legislation of the Russian Federation is proved.

5. The author guarantees that the Work does not contain the materials which are not subject to publication in the open press according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the publication and distribution of Work will not lead to disclosure of confidential (confidential) information, including the state secret.

6. According to article 1269 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the Author has the right before the actual publication of Work to refuse earlier made decision on its publication (the right to the response) on condition of compensation to the Magazine caused by such decision of losses.

7. The author has the right to freely use the Work for personal, informational, scientific, educational, cultural purposes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation without the permission of the Magazine, including:

  • use of printed and electronic Preprint of unpublished manuscript of the Work accepted by the Journal for publication. When distributing preprints, the Author should include the following warning: “this is the Preprint of the Work accepted for publication in (Journal title, year). The owner of the distribution rights to (the name of the Journal)»;
  • gratuitous photocopy or transfer of a copy of a printed Work in whole or in part for personal or professional use, for the promotion of academic or scientific research, or for the information purposes of the employer;
  • use of materials from the published Work (separate figures, tables, text fragments) for inclusion in other works, articles, monographs, educational materials with reference to the output of the Work.

8. In the process of preparing the Work for publication, the Author undertakes:

  • to make corrections to the text of the Work specified by the reviewers and accepted by the editorial Board of the journal;
  • to read proofreading of the Work within the terms established by the Journal in accordance with the schedule of the journal, agreed with the editor-In-chief;
  • to make only the minimum changes to the proofreading of the Work, which is associated with the need to correct mistakes made in the original Work and/or make factual and conjunctural changes.

9. The journal undertakes to provide the author with the proofreading of the Work and make a reasonable edit to it in the amount of not more than three corrections per thousand characters, taking into account the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 4 of paragraph 8 of this Agreement.

10. The author gives his consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with Federal law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006.

11. The journal is obliged not to disclose to third parties and not to disseminate personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by Federal law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006.

12. In all that is not directly regulated by this Agreement, the parties shall be guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. This Agreement shall be concluded with a qualifying condition in accordance with article 157 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The rights and obligations under this Agreement arise on condition of acceptance (approval) of the article by the editorial Board of the journal for publication, as the Journal informs the author in writing.

14. According to Art. 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation this Agreement is the agreement of accession (offer) which conditions are defined by the Magazine, and can be accepted by other party not otherwise as by accession to this Agreement as a whole.